Lawrence Davis

GitHub Repos

Some open-source apps and libraries I've worked on in my spare time

Browse playlists of any Soundcloud artist. Built with Ember.js
CoffeeScript 7 2
Ember-CLI addon that provides a service to keep the current time synced as a computed property and supports remote timestamp fetching.
JavaScript 6 3
Redirects all track and artist links to Songwhip results
JavaScript 2 0
A starter Phoenix/Elixir app with docker compose, JSONAPI, and authentication configured
Elixir 2 0
Get shareable URLs from most streaming services
IP based geolocation middleware for koajs
JavaScript 1 0
[DEPRECATED] Purple isn't real
JavaScript 1 0
This is a stupid CLI thing I built to watch myself lose money on AMC
TypeScript 0 0


I really enjoy working with these tools